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Threat Intelligence from Kaspersky gives you access to the intelligence you need to mitigate cyberthreats, provided by our world-leading team of researchers and analysts.

Kaspersky's knowledge, experience and deep intelligence of every aspect of cybersecurity has made us the trusted partner of the world's premier law enforcement and government agencies, including INTERPOL and leading CERTs as well as Microsoft. Kaspersky Threat Intelligence gives you instant access to tactical, operational and strategic Threat Intelligence.

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Why Kaspersky?

Kaspersky has contributed to the fight against transnational cybercrime by taking part in operation Synergia, involving INTERPOL and its Gateway project partners. Kaspersky has also delivered a Kaspersky Expert Training series to INTERPOL law enforcement officers.

Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds are also integrated with Microsoft Sentinel, a cloud native SIEM and SOAR solution to help Microsoft Sentinel users with actionable context for attack investigation and response.

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence empowers you

Proactively identify and prevent threats

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence keeps you informed about the latest threats and vulnerabilities, empowering you to take proactive measures to protect your systems before an attack occurs.

Enhance your threat detection capabilities

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence helps you augment your existing security solutions with the latest threat intelligence, improving your ability to detect and block advanced threats.

Improve your incident response

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence delivers real-time information about emerging threats and indicators of compromise, so you can respond quickly and effectively to incidents

APT Intelligence Reporting

With Kaspersky APT Intelligence Reporting customers receive unique ongoing access to our investigations and discoveries, including full technical data (in a range of formats) on every APT as it's discovered, as well as on threats that will never be made public. Reports contain an executive summary offering C-level oriented and easy to understand information describing the related APT together with a detailed technical description of the APT with related IOCs and YARA rules to give security researchers, malware analysts, security engineers, network security analysts and APT researchers actionable data that enables a fast, accurate response to the threat.

Digital Footprint Intelligence

Organizations use a wide range of security tools in their security operations but there are still digital threats that loom which require very specific capabilities - to detect and mitigate data leakages, monitor plans and attack schemes of cybercriminals located on dark web forums, etc. To help your security analysts explore the adversaries' view of your company resources, promptly discover the potential attack vectors available to them and adjust your defenses accordingly, Kaspersky has created Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence..

Threat Attribution Engine

Kaspersky Attribution Engine incorporates a database comprising APT malware samples and clean files gathered by Kaspersky experts over the last 25 years and more. We track 1100+ threat actors and campaigns and release 120+ threat intelligence reports a year. Our ongoing research supports an APT collection which contains some 83,000 files. This improves false flag detection and, in conjunction with the use of automated tools, results in outstandingly accurate levels of attribution.

Threat Data Feeds

Kaspersky Threat Data Feed delivers real-time threat intelligence information to help you protect your networks and systems from cyberthreats. Data feeds include information on known malware, phishing websites, the latest vulnerabilities and exploits, and other types of cyberthreats - information to help you block malicious traffic, update your security software, and take other measures to protect against cyberattacks. Learn more about how Microsoft Sentinel is using Kaspersky Data Feeds.

Incident Response

An incident constitutes a breach or the threat of a breach of computer security policies, acceptable use policies and / or standard security practices.

Kaspersky Incident Response obtains a detailed picture of the incident. The service covers the full incident investigation and response cycle: from early incident response and evidence collection to identifying additional traces of hacking and preparing an attack mitigation plan.

Threat Lookup

Kaspersky Threat Lookup delivers all the knowledge acquired by Kaspersky about cyberthreats and their relationships, brought together into single, powerful web service. The goal is to provide your security teams with as much data as possible, preventing cyberattacks before they impact your organization. The platform retrieves the latest detailed threat intelligence about URLs, domains, IP addresses, file hashes, threat names, statistical /behavior data, WHOIS/DNS data, file attributes, geolocation data, download chains, timestamps etc. The result is global visibility of new and emerging threats, helping you secure your organization and boosting incident response.

Unlock the Power of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence for Free!

As a cybersecurity vendor, Kaspersky leverages all of its expertise to help organizations build robust cyber defenses. We can support you with our leading solutions and services.

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