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A Company to Save the World: Kaspersky Lab Releases its Second Corporate Social Responsibility Report

2 de noviembre de 2016

Kaspersky Lab is today announcing the release of its second Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Kaspersky Lab is today announcing the release of its secondCorporate Social Responsibility Report. The report profiles the company’s technological, educational, and charitable initiatives, which are helping communities grow stronger and are making our world a better place. Each part of the report is illustrated with life stories, demonstrating the importance of Kaspersky Lab’s CSR work.

The ‘technology’ section of the report is dedicated to the evolution of cybercrime. It discusses the latest technologies developed by Kaspersky Lab to prevent cybercrime and help make the world a better place. The section also presents the company’s view on what cybersecurity threats the world will face by 2020, as Internet of Things innovations gather pace.  

The report also highlights Kaspersky Lab’s educational initiatives such as The Kaspersky Academy Talent Lab and Kaspersky Cyberheroes - a tournament for school students. Another significant part of the report is dedicated to Kaspersky Lab’s support of the Archeological Society at Athens in Akrotiri. The project is aimed at saving the remains of an ancient settlement discovered by archeologists in the middle of the 20th century. Together with European Schoolnet (EUN) the company has also launched several important initiatives on children’s online security, parents’ education and the development of effective security solutions.

The report’s ‘charity’ section shares inspiring stories about the various social and volunteer projects Kaspersky Lab employees are involved in. These range from tutoring children at the Udomlya Orphanage in Russia, to becoming mentors about online security for school kids, and from donating blood to protecting the environment. In this section Kaspersky Lab’s support of not-for-profit institutions such as BRAC is discussed: the company provides Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business to protect this organization’s networks and financial services.

“We are convinced that people who really care can do a lot, and change a lot, to make the world a better place. That’s why, instead of sharing a lot of numbers, our report comprises a variety of moving stories which have grabbed our attention. We’ve brought them together in order to inspire more people”, said Eugene Kaspersky, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

To find more information about Kaspersky Lab’s corporate social responsibility initiatives please read the full report here:

A Company to Save the World: Kaspersky Lab Releases its Second Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Kaspersky Lab is today announcing the release of its second Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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Sobre Kaspersky

Kaspersky es una empresa de ciberseguridad y privacidad digital global fundada en 1997. Con más de mil millones de dispositivos protegidos hasta la fecha ante ciberamenazas emergentes y ataques dirigidos, la enorme experiencia de Kaspersky en cuestión de información y seguridad ante amenazas se transforma de forma constante en soluciones y servicios innovadores que ofrecen protección a negocios, infraestructuras vitales, gobiernos y consumidores de todo el mundo. El completísimo catálogo de la compañía incluye los mejores productos y servicios de protección de terminales, así como soluciones de ciberinmunidad para combatir amenazas digitales sofisticadas y en constante evolución. Ayudamos a que más de 200 000 clientes corporativos protejan aquello que más les importa. Más información en

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